Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why Do You Blog?

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I have come face to face with this question many times since I have had a rather difficult time gaining any real followers. Oh, people will stop to read a post or two and I am thankful for that but I get few comments and even fewer followers. I am not complaining. I know that few bloggers truly have great success in the blogging world. But I have had to deal with the same questions over and over again-

~Am I wasting my time?

~Should I keep writing?

~What does the Lord want from me?

And time and time again, I keep coming back to this: if even one person gains insight or has a better life because of something that I have written then I have ministered. You see, I absolutely LOVE to write. It is my passion. I don't know why, but for whatever reason, God has me here--at this time and this place where blogging is a form of ministry we can have as Christians. I need to obey Him and then let the results up to Him.

Oh, I am not saying that we should continue to blog at all costs. No, if we don't have a supportive husband or if our family is paying the expense of too much of our time spent at the computer, then we are definitely outside God's Will. But if you have a passion to write and your husband is supportive and your family is at a place where they can spare you the time, then don't let the stats get you down!

Here is why I blog--

1.  To glorify God and direct women all over the world to the one, true God and His son, Jesus, through Whom we have salvation and everlasting life if we will but repent of our sin and turn our lives over to Him.

2.  To teach younger women about the things I have learned through the years (and wish I would have known back then).

3.  To help wives and moms think beyond this worldly culture, so that they can provide the best lives for their families (and themselves) in all aspects of life, including their walk with God, being a godly wife, raising children who love the Lord, homemaking, and being good stewards of their time, bodies, and money.

I would love to be one of those popular blog authors that everyone looks up to. I really would. But I know that my job is to obey the Lord in what He wants me to do and then leave the rest up to Him.

Have you thought about why you blog? What is your goal? I encourage you to get this solidly in place so that discouragement doesn't catch you on some moment and put an end to something the Lord really wants you to do!


  1. Hello Leslie, I was really almost shocked to read this post, because I have written a few of these over the years myself. I also love to write and blogging has been a sweet passion of mine. I have had to persevere when I had no one stop in to visit. I did finally take off my followers as I was always guageing my blog from this one feature. I do not need followers I need to follow Him!! I think you feel the same :) You can come visit me and I will visit you and we can encourage each other. Have some very sweet gals that just love to write and love Him even more.
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. I had to remove my followers,too, because it was too discouraging. It's so nice to know I am not alone. I will definitely stop by your blog for a visit :) Thanks for the invitation!

  2. This is such good encouragement! It will be disappointing if we don't know the reason. I have wanted to quit many times just from tiredness, but the Lord gives more grace and strength and ideas..more than I know what to do with. I can't wait to read more on your beautiful site. I am so glad you have shared at Deep Roots; I know you will meet many dear souls who would love to reciprocate a comment and in time get to 'know' you. God bless you, Leslie :)
